Friday 27 January 2012

Importance of Regular Exercise

                            Regular Physical Exercise

          Every person should try to remain fit and healthy through their life. Fitness has a lot to do with physical exercise. And the practice of doing physical exercise cannot be taught in a day or two. The orientation to physical exercise and fitness must begin right at early ages.

  • Exercising makes you more energetic. 
  • Children develop spontaneity in activities and they are always in their best spirit when they regularly exercise.
  • Physical exercise keeps away obesity in children
  • Builds muscular strength and mighty bones
  • Helps in overall growth, development and strength
  • Helps them perform better in school and studies
  • Defends diseases like type 2 diabetes and controls cholesterol

Exercise Schedule

The practical part of physical exercise has to be maintained in a proper and regular schedule. Children do have a specific time for playing and doing exercises. Therefore guide your kids in a routine way to play and practice exercises.
A preschool child or toddler must be allowed to play freely for half an hour to one hour on regular basis. If the kid wants to play more, always encourage.
A school-going kid must play at least for an hour daily. Along with playing soccer or any other game, jogging and aerobics can be regularly done. If your child is unable to practice for a stretch of time, the exercise schedule can be divided into fifteen minutes or half an hour stretches.

Participation by Parents

You are aware of the advantages of physical exercises in your kid’s life. Also you know how to allocate time to gain these benefits. But what can you do  to help them live fit?
Encourage your child to play along with studies. Computer games and television watching have to be cut short. Researches have found that more young children are becoming inactive and inert due to TV watching.
Allow your children in different outdoor games. Also admit them to swimming classes, general gymnasium or aerobics , if available. Otherwise help them devise some regular exercise routines including skipping, running or other activities. This will help your child even remain mentally fit because the little one will find friends over here and take more interest in these activities.
Children always follow role models, particularly their parents. So why don't you make out some time to play with your kid? You can also fix up a particular schedule of exercising along with your child. This will boost their spirit and build a natural instinct to remain fit from the young age itself.
It is a matter of encouragement ,culture and cultivation. If you as parents can really encourage your children with a proper education of physical exercise from the very beginning, no one can stop them to remain fit.

"Remember, there is no substitute for medical advise that comes from a pediatrician after they have evaluated your child. This document is only for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical advise."
Article by Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi, M.D (Peds), M.D (USA), F.A.A.P

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